
Mighty Bluebeam

Bluebeam ran The Mighty Bluebeam campaign throughout the first half of 2010. As tongue-in-cheek as it might have seemed, it resonated with our tightly knit user community, and everyone involved in it’s creation enjoyed the outcome. I was responsible for all design, creative direction, and illustration, with assets produced for print, digital, web, and physical collateral.

Targeted at our AEC audience

Targeted at our AEC audience

The Mighty Bluebeam campaign catered to problems and themes directly related to the AEC industry, and was featured in numerous trade publications such as Architectural Record, BD+C, Construction Executive, and Construction Specifier.

Pulling from its source material

Pulling from its source material

Utilizing the comic book theme and format, we produced several multi-paged assets to compliment our trade show presence. These were distributed as brochures and press kits. The content and imagery changed slightly per trade show.

We used the Mighty Bluebeam's "secret lair" to foreshadow our new trade show booth in mid-2010

We used the Mighty Bluebeam's "secret lair" to foreshadow our new trade show booth in mid-2010

Eventually, the campaign was fully saturated throughout all major trade publications to the point where our customers were asking to be featured in them - one even crafted his own costume.

Eventually, the campaign was fully saturated throughout all major trade publications to the point where our customers were asking to be featured in them - one even crafted his own costume.
